Snoop listening to tunes with headphones

Music and Mobile for less

So this month Snoop informed me of the free podcasts you can listen to through the BBC Sounds App. I spent some time listening to Animal farm by George Orwell, it really is a timeless story and am really enjoying it. The story is read in 20 minute chapters so it's been easy to sneak in a chapter a day.

I also changed my mobile provider this month. Using Snoop I was able to find the cheapest provider for what I needed - a deal that gave me 100gb of data, unlimited text and unlimited calls for £15 a month less than I used to pay.

It was my partners birthday this month and Snoop gave me a great idea for a present for her. I bought her a nice pair of wireless headphones but also got her a 3 months free trial with Apple Music to go with them. There are so many music streaming companies now that you can easily get a free trial - before the end of the 3 months with Apple Music we will cancel the trial and start a free trial with Spotify or Amazon!

I have being doing this myself for nearly a year now without paying a penny. If you haven't done this yet and you love music I'd highly recommend it.