Snoop checking a long receipt with a magnifying glass

Thrills, regular bills and boycotting McDonald's

I’ve had so much fun this month! 

I had a girly weekend in St Ives to celebrate some big birthdays that we missed due to Covid. 

This included matching PJs, hot tubs, dancing, and alcohol, so perfect.  

I also had 2 nights away to Alton Towers and Thorpe Park, cheap hotel stays and ticket purchases thanks to Snoop.  

Last month I was going to delve into my spending trends over the last few months. 

This timed in wonderfully to a money workshop that I am taking part in. The numbers were horrifying! 

I honestly feel that I am sensible with money. I budget every month and I know what all my bills are and when they come out. 

Thanks to Snoop I am on the cheapest contract for what I believe to be all my contracts. (Except for my gas and electric as it seems you must pay a little more for fully renewable energy – something I’m prepared to do.)  

What transpired is that I do know all my regular bills, I do go to the effort of writing them all down. 

After taking a closer look I realised that I’m spending £27 a month with Apple. 

How can that be the case when I’m only paying £0.79 for extra storage, I ask myself? 

Off I go onto my subscriptions. There they all are … Music, TV, larger storage than I thought … some arcade thing??? 

I can only assume I love a freebie but don’t note down the day it expires. 

On to Amazon…How can it be that I’m paying £6.99 a month when I’m a prime member? 

That, my friends, would be the reading subscription on top of the free prime reading I have.

Why do I have an audible payment? Yet another subscription deal I signed up for which is now expired and costing me money!

Needless to say I have cancelled them all.

So there you have it. You may think you know your bills, but it really is worth going through your actual transactions. 

Snoop can do it by transaction or by supplier - the total transaction by supplier can be real eye opener. (I’m 100% boycotting McDonald’s for the month as the total spend put me on the verge of tears!)

In my defence, not all of these subscriptions are mine, some are my partners. Now I have all my accounts linked to Snoop I can keep an eye on everything!  

Thank you Snoop - I have not only saved this month, but in the months ahead I’ll save a fortune!