Snoop checking a pile of Christmas gifts

Keeping a wrap on Christmas spending and a year in review

Staying under budget buying gifts at Christmas 🎁

Snoop's handy Spend Analysis feature came in good use this Christmas. 

I used a custom category to track gift purchases. This helped me stay under budget and easily see how much there was left to spend throughout the month.

Christmas is, of course, about more than budgets and I’m no festive Grinch. For me it was just about keeping myself accountable in sticking to a budget and it made gift giving far less stressful!

2021 end of year spending review 📱

Snoop shared a really interesting end of year review Snoop (think Spotify Wrapped in financial wellness form). 

The update showed a breakdown of my spending across the whole of 2021 and highlighted: my most expensive day, my least expensive day, the places (merchants/retailers) I spent the most at and my biggest categories (by spend).

I found this really interesting and it really showcased the efforts of good habits I worked hard to build across the year.

The places I spent the most at were mostly tied to paying off debt (which was nice to see). 

The categories I spent the most in were shopping and groceries. I was glad to see entertainment was one of my lowest spending categories.

I also had over 100 no-spend days where I spent absolutely nothing.

I'm very pleased with my progress this year in clearing debt and continuing to improve my financial health.

A massive thank you to Snoop for this past year's help. Here's to a great 2022!