
Joe Gray
Uses Snoop to get further out of debt and build healthy financial habits
December 2021
Keeping a wrap on Christmas spending and a year in review

Joe Gray
November 2021
Snoop told me my supplier went bust (when the supplier didn’t!)

Joe Gray
October 2021
Snoop continues to take my budgeting to the next level

Joe Gray
September 2021
Saving £120 a year was music to my ears

Joe Gray
August 2021
Joe fully utilised Snoop's artificial intelligence tagging features

Joe Gray
July 2021
Joe can see clearly now, soon his debt will be gone

Joe Gray
June 2021
Snoop 4.0 beta is making Snoop better

Joe Gray
May 2021
Joe is on a debt-free journey and has hit another financial milestone

Joe Gray
April 2021
Snoop’s Payment Hub has saved Joe a packet

Joe Gray
March 2021
Joe's planning to get ahead of the game with Snoop

Joe Gray
February 2021
£32 saved this month on the shopping bill and a sustainable surprise

Joe Gray
January 2021
A positive start to 2021

Joe Gray
December 2020
Snoop has helped Joe reduce debt, build healthy financial habits and improve his financial well-being

Joe Gray