Snoop with a 'Your bills' card showing £240

Snoop’s Payment Hub has saved Joe a packet

This month I looked into my contract end dates and took some action using Snoop's handy Payment Hub feature. The result – a massive saving of £240!

Here’s how…

2 years ago I started a contract for a mobile phone handset and SIM plan. As of this month, I’m no longer in contract and I’m no longer tied into this expensive monthly bill 😌

This bill was costing me £24.64 per month - and set to rise to £25.01 from next month. Fortunately, I had my ducks in a row with the handy help of Snoop.

Last year I logged my contract end date for this phone contract in Snoop’s Payment Hub, and Snoop alerted me that the contract was due to expire shortly. Time to look for a new deal to slash costs!

Now owning the device from my old contract, I could significantly cut the cost of this bill by going on a SIM-only plan.

In light of the pandemic, I haven’t been leaving the house very much, so I knew I didn’t need all the bells and whistles as far as data was concerned.

Thanks to Snoop’s handy tools allowing me to log my contract end date I’ve been able to keep the same phone number on a SIM-only plan, costing just £5 per month (£20~ less per month), saving over £240 per year!

I also used Snoop’s powerful Payment Hub feature to analyse my previous 3-month rolling average spend for a few of my variable bills and realigned my budget to reflect these up-to-date figures.

Thanks to this I have a little bit extra accounted for to put towards my discretionary spend at the end of the month.

And when I say ‘discretionary spend’, I really mean getting a tub of ice cream with the shopping 🍦 — after all, everyone deserves a treat!

This month I'll be exploring my monthly spend in May using Snoop's useful Your Money feature, specifically exploring the Categories area.

This insight will help adjust my monthly budget to put even more money towards clearing debts.