Snoop deep in thought

Joe fully utilised Snoop's artificial intelligence tagging features

I found this month to be one of the most efficient in using Snoop yet. Here's how…

In the past month I've fine-tuned the categorisation of my regular transactions.

This meant doing some heavy lifting, going through my transactions and telling Snoop which category to select for different businesses I spent money with in the past.

Snoop's artificial intelligence can then work its magic and help me gain richer insights for future months' reporting on my finances—especially with businesses that I make regular transactions with.

When I edited these transactions, Snoop offered an option to automatically tag future transactions that Snoop identified as similar with the same category.

I had this set-up on some transactions before this month, though I didn't optimise all of my transactions—and in doing this throughout the month, I've already seen a difference.

Even in using Snoop less than I usually do this month, I've gained more value from the precision of my reporting in the app.

In particular, this helped with the month-to-month spends per category, and I could easily within less than 15 minutes see how much I under or overspent for each.

Clearing up these transactions' categories and fully utilising Snoop's automated tagging, I can now see a simple month-to-month change to my spending for each of my categories with pinpoint accuracy—taking out all of the guesswork.

It's well worth doing this exercise on your own Snoop app. Why not try out the automated category tagging feature and see if it can help your budgeting?