Snoop looking through binoculars

Joe's planning to get ahead of the game with Snoop

This month I didn't have a specific target in mind, but I’ve used Snoop to keep a close eye on my finances and upcoming features mean I’ve started thinking ahead! 

Thinking ahead

Snoop has announced that we’ll be getting the option to create our own custom categories in the Categories area of the Your Money section of the app. 

This got me thinking: could I plan out a draft of ideal custom categories to get one step ahead?

A great example is the purchase of a gift for someone—when the transaction appears in my spend breakdown for categories on Snoop I could categorise into a 'Gifts' category.

Then, at the end of the month I could review how much I've spent on gifts. 

This will be a great way to cross-check my spending against my budget, and Snoop will make this even easier with me not having to scour through tonnes of transactions on my bank statements each month 💀

I’ve created a draft list so I’ll be ahead of the game once it goes live and I’m looking forward to being able to getting deeper money-saving insights and further reducing my expenses.

Sharing Snoop

I sing Snoop's praises a lot (not just in these blogs, but in real life too). The great thing here is Snoop rewards you for getting family and friends on board.

Last month I had four friends join Snoop, and I received some Amazon credit as a thank you. 

It's worth calling out because not every company does this and it's warmly welcomed 😊

What's to come?

Next month I'll be diving deeper into Snoop's handy Payment Hub feature, particularly looking at my contract end dates.

I already know that my mobile contract expires and I'm interested to see how Snoop's comparison of mobile phone deals can slash my bill!