
James Fish
Is using Snoop to rein in spending after the rapid expansion of his family
April 2022
Cost of living - cutting back and heated heating negotiations

James Fish
November 2021
Feeling the heat with sky high energy prices

James Fish
October 2021
Playing Snake in Snoop is helping with my monthly spending

James Fish
August 2021
Tackling my (over) spending habits

James Fish
July 2021
Time to switch and save after an expensive month

James Fish
May 2021
Life tips from the Good Doctor

James Fish
April 2021
Crypto v Chip – only one winner for James

James Fish
March 2021
Snoop gets my vote

James Fish
February 2021
Vouchers for Valentine’s Day – almost!

James Fish
January 2021
Useful Snoops have given me a better outlook for February

James Fish
December 2020
James Fish is a Junior Doctor using Snoop to rein in spending after the rapid expansion of his family

James Fish