Snoop playing Snake on a retro phone

Playing Snake in Snoop is helping with my monthly spending

I have effectively been playing a single game of Snake for the last two months.

If that doesn't release a nostalgic glow within you then I'll explain.

Snake was the free game that came with the Nokia 3310 which was the most popular phone in the late 90s and early 00s.

The aim was to move around a screen eating food whilst avoiding your own tail which elongated with every meal.

In this new version though, played over months rather than seconds, I still keep one line away from another.

I still think about it when I'm not playing. And I still pull out my phone pretending I'm doing something more serious.

The two-tone display of old has evolved into full colour so now I keep grey and blue lines apart.

You can play this game too by clicking on the 'Spend Analysis Graph' in Snoop.

You win by stopping the current month's spending from hitting the last month's! 

Admittedly it may not have the immediate thrills of the old game but I'm getting a sizable dopamine hit when I can see the white between the lines.

In other news, Snoop highlighted three months of Disney + for £8 which has been mighty helpful given my son got Covid for a second time and has had to isolate for ten days.

I've also just found out that I have been missing out on Tesco Clubcard points in store as I was using Apple Pay. I've just messaged them to claim the points back. Thank you Snoop.

Finally, I'm extremely happy to see the promotion of Mindfulness in a recent Snoop.

I love mindfulness, advise anyone who will listen to try it, and started meditating fifteen years ago.

Mindful consumption could even bring about more rewarding (and lower) spending too.

It would be nice if I only responded to my needs rather than reacting to current wants and stresses. Couldn't really have too much of that in my mind.