Snoop looking quizzically at a credit card

Snoop makes me feel secure

I have to say that I am still finding it difficult to look at the ‘Your money’ section when you open the app – none of its mine, it’s all owed to other people!

This month I have been looking for a credit card as I/we are getting married next year and that apparently costs the world! 

As always my first port of call was Snoop. 

I didn’t get a credit card doing this, but I did explore the alternative of a personal loan.

I had considered it previously but to be honest I didn’t think, based on what I already owe, that I would get anything. 

I was wrong. It’s comforting to know that I have plenty options if the credit card route doesn’t work out. 

I think that’s my main reason for using Snoop so consistently: It makes me feel secure by providing me with information I don’t know or didn’t even know was there. 

That’s my sign off for this month!