Snoop holding balloons with  1st anniversary written on them

What Helen’s learnt about her finances with Snoop

This month marks 12 months for me using Snoop.

What have I learnt about my finances? Plenty!

The top three things that stand out are: spending insights, specific categorisation and my Snoop feed. Spending insights

Over the last year, I’ve found out exactly where my money is going.

Every Monday I see my spending summary - where and how much I’ve spent the previous week- something I’ve never seen before and it’s often surprised me by showing me how often I’m spending at particular places.


Snoop’s success, for me, lies in its specifics. It allows me to see all my accounts in one place and categorise each transaction. 

It slices my spending and saving into neat categories and I really rate the new custom categories I’ve created (pets, investing, takeaway habit) to specify areas of my spending I want to keep track of.

Snoop feed

Over the year, my Snoop feed of tips and discounts has undoubtedly saved me money I’d have otherwise spent without considering if I could get a better deal.

It makes me a better shopper and saver- which might sound like a contradiction- yet it’s true!

Snoop’s showed me the best deals at beauty retailers, supermarkets and department stores because it knows where I shop.

It also shows me how to get the best savings rates to make my money work harder for me.

What do I want to achieve in the next twelve months with my finances? 

In case you were wondering, it’s not vast wealth and a luxury lifestyle!

It’s building better every day habits with the help of the app.

To stop paying as much as I have been for a mobile contract and get a better value deal!  

It’s only when I saw the total for the year in Your Bills that the true cost of the contract became clear to me (lesson learnt) and thankfully my contract ends soon-ish.

Wish me luck for the year ahead!